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★ Boyse, Samuel [1708-1749]. A new pantheon: or, fabulous history of the heathen gods, heroes, goddesses, &c. explain'd in a manner intirely new, And render'd much more useful than any hitherto publish'd on this Subject. Adorn'd with figures depicted from ancient paintings, medals and gems, for the Use of those who would understand History, Poetry, Painting, Statuary, Coins, Medals, &c. To which is added, a discourse on the theology of the ancients, wherein the Manner of their Worship, and the Rise and Progress of Idolatry are considered. As also An Explanation of their ancient Mythology from the Writings of Moses; the Egyptian, Grecian, Roman, and Eastern Historians, Philosophers, Poets, &c. By Samuel Boyse, A.M. With an appendix, containing Some Account of their various superstitious Observances by Astrology, Prodigies, Auguries, Aruspices, Oracles, &c. in which the Origin of each are pointed out. As also a short historical Account of the Rise of Altars, sacred Groves, Priests and Temples. By a gentleman of Cambridge. London, printed for Newbery at the Bible and Sun opposite the North Door in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and B. Collins, Bookseller, on the New Canal in Salisbury, M.DCC.LIII (1753).

In 4° (18 cm), A-Z4 Aa-Uu4, pp. viii 318, cc. [8, indice] [1 bianca]. 16 carte fuori testo con incisioni in rame. Capilettera e finalini xilografici. Errata in Uu3 verso.

Dell’astrologia Boyse tratta, e non troppo diffusamente, nell’Appendix, che ha inizio alla pagina 265. E’ uno storico-teologo dell’antichità e dunque non entra certo nel dettaglio, pur affermando (pagina 268) Thus it is evident, that Astrology is built upon no Principles, that it is founded on Fables, and on Influence void of Reality. Prima edizione.

Esemplari: British Library; Cambridge University (2); UCLA Library, Los Angeles; University of California, Berkeley; Henry Huntington Library Art Collections and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California; Library of Congress; Harvard University; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; Duke University, Durham, North Carolina; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; College of Charleston, South Carolina (2); Washington State University; Yale University; Queens College Flushing; Georgetown University, Washington; National Gallery of Arts, Washington; University of Cincinnati; University of Kentucky; University of St. Thomas; Valdosta State University; Cornell University, New York; University of Michigan; Princeton University.

Altre edizioni:

1758, Dublin, printed by John Exshaw, in 8° (18 cm), pp. 309 [1]. Esemplare della British Library;

1760, London, Newbery and Crowder; Salisbury, Collins in 4°, pp. viii 246. Esemplare della British Library;

1764, London, Newbery, Baldwin and Crowder; Salisbury, Collins in 12°, pp. xii 281 [1], cc. [9] e [18] tavole. Esemplare della British Library;

1768, Dublin, printed by John Exshaw, in 12°, pp. x 317 [1]. Esemplare della British Library;

1769, Dublin, printed by John Exshaw, in 12°, pp. 317 [1], cc. [11]. Esemplare della University of Alberta, Cameron Library, Canada;

1771, Salisbury, Carnan & Newbery; London-Salisbury, Collins, in 12°, pp. xii 281 [1]. Esemplare della British Library;

1772, Waterford, H & J. Ramsey, in 12°, pp. x [3]-317 [1]. Esemplare della British Library;

1777, Salisbury, printed for Carnan and Newbery, at the Bible and Sun, opposite the North Door, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; S. Crowder, in Paternoster-Row; and T. Caslon, Stationer's Court, Ludgate-Street, London; and B. Collins, Salisbury, MDCCLXXVII, con il titolo The new Pantheon, or fabulous History of the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes, etc., explained in a manner entirely new and rendered much more useful than any hitherto published adorned with figures from ancient Paintings, Medals, and Gems, for the Use of those who would understand History, Poetry, Painting, Statuary, Coins, Medals, &c. with a dissertation on the theology and mythology of the heathens, from the writings of Moses, the Aegyptian, Graecian, Roman and Eastern historians, philosophers, poets, etc., by Samuel Boyse A.M. The fifth edition, revised and corrected by William Cooke, A. M. Rector of Oldbury and Didmarton, in Gloucestershire, Vicar of Enford, in Wiltshire, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Suffolk. To which is added an appendix treating of their astrology, prodigies, auguries, auspices, oracles, etc., in which the origin of each is pointed out, and an historical account of the rise of altars, sacred groves, priests and temples, in 12°, pp. xii 281 [1], cc. [9]. Esemplari: Arizona State University; BNF; British Library; National Library of Wales; Leeds University; Bibl. Nadorowa, Polland; UCLA Library, Los Angeles; University of California, San Diego; University of Florida; University of Virginia; Ohio State University; Columbia University; Alexander Turbull Library, New Zealand;

1786, Dublin, printed by John Exshaw, in 12°, pp. 385 [1], con il titolo The new pantheon: or, fabulous history of the heathen gods, goddesses, heroes [...]. The sixth edition, revised and corrected, with large additions, and a dissertation on the theology of the heathens. By William Cooke [...]. To which is subjoined, an appendix, treating of their astrology, prodigies, auguries. Esemplare della British Library;

1787, London, T. Carnan, in 12°, pp. xii 293 [1]. Esemplare della British Library;

1800, Dublin, R. Cross & P. Wogan, in 12°, pp. xii 284, cc. [7] di tavole. Esemplare della Staatsbibliothek Berlin.