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[Winstanley, William] [1626-1698]. The path-way to knowledge: according to those undeniable grounds and axiomes delivered by the ancient philosophers and astronomers, Pythagoras, Aristotle, Haly, Albert, Philo Judæus, and Ptolomey. Shewing the effects of the planets, and other astronomical constellations, with several other weighty matters concerning husbandry, medicines for cattle, and other excellent rarities, both pleasant and profitable. Experienced by the 21 years study and practice of Poor Robin a well willer to the mathematicks. Licenced and entered according to order. London, Printed for Edward Thomas, at the Adam and Eve in Little Brittain, 1663.

In 8° (15 cm), A4 B-K8, cc. [4], pp. 143 [1]. Incisioni in legno (i 12 Segni). Marca al frontespizio. 1 iniziale decorata. Advertising al verso dell’ultima carta.

Rammento che “Poor Robin” è pseudonimo usato abitualmente da William Winstanley: qui, come in numerosi almanacchi e pronostici astrologici (vedi sub “Poor Robin” le sue opere descritte nelle schede nn. 6261-6265).

Prima edizione.

Esemplari: Oxford University, All Souls College.

Altra edizione: London, printed, and are to be sold by Joseph Collier, at the Bible upon London-Bridge, 1685, cc. [2], pp. 156. Esemplare della UCLA Library, Los Angeles.