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★ “W.K. Astrologer” [XVII-XVIII secolo]. Good news for England, or, A prediction of the happy success that will attend their Majesties Protestant army now in Ireland, and the miserable fate of the French and Irish papists there in arms and open rebellion against their majesties: shewing how that by the policy and power of the great Duke Schomberg and the rest of those worthy gentlemen and soldiers there under his command, the late King James and all his adherents, that do not timely lay hold on their most gracious Majesties act of indemnity, will be totally brought unto ruine and desolation: for Ireland must and will certainly be made subject to King William and Queen Mary. By W. K. Astrologer. Licensed Octob. 2. 1689. J.F. London, printed for Randal Taylor, 1689.

In 4° (19 cm), A4, pp. 8. A pagina 4 è inciso l’oroscopo del cielo del 21 settembre 1689 alle ore 18. La pagina 2 è bianca.

L’anonimo autore di questa plaquette afferma preliminarmente che The noble Science of Astrology is an Honest, True and lawful Art and Study, thogh by two sort of men now adays flighted, vilified and Condemned […] e che gli è stato chiesto di valutare se l’Inghilterra vincerà contro gli Irish Papist (i cattolici) nella guerra in corso. A questo fine, l’anonimo ha tracciato l’oroscopo del momento in cui gli è stata posta la domanda, secondo il sistema della cosiddetta Horary Astrology. La diagnosi è positiva, e conseguita attraverso calcoli di cui non ho compreso nulla.

Esemplari: National Library of Scotland; Cambridge University; British Library; Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München.