The author, an Italian lawyer and currently law professor living in Milan, has been studying astrology for the past 55 years with an experimental and an unprejudiced attitude. This passion lead him to collect classic books on the subject and then to devote a large part of the little spare time left by his profession to the compilation of this vast bibliography, which is dedicated to the astrological field only and is enhanced by expert commentaries.
Thank you to (in alphabetical order):
Chiara Nicolini, to which I owe the technical basis of my bibliography and the fondness to write it;
Florinda Talamo, my trusty secretary, to which I owe the boring indexes of authors and printers together with a consistent and patient collaboration;
Margherita Fusconi, who allowed me to unearth my nature as a collector.
Finally, out of the alphabetical order, my mom Giancarla, who taught me all of the astrological rules and their interpretation.